
Being a parent can be a rewarding and an exciting time, however, the unexpected feelings and challenges that can arise are often left unspoken. Support in the right place can lead to transformations for the parent, child and family.

Rose has a strong academic background in developmental psychology and working clinically in the field of perinatal and infant mental health. Rose considers and works with the whole family, which might include those affected by the following:

  • Attachment difficulties
  • Antenatal and postnatal anxiety
  • Antenatal and postnatal depression
  • Bipolar affective disorder
  • Maternal obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • Perinatal loss
  • Post-partum psychosis
  • Re-emergence of childhood issues
  • Relationship difficulties
  • Transition to parenthood
  • Trauma (birth complex trauma)

Rose has a specialist interest in attachment and working therapeutically to build stronger, connected relationships between parents and their babies. Here are some of the interventions that Rose uses in her work.

Parental Embodied Mentalizing (PEM)

Rose is specialist in using Parental Embodied Mentalizing (PEM) and using video-feedback to help mothers and fathers get to know their baby and understand their child’s, and their own, nonverbal and embodied communication. Click here for more information.


Mentalizing-Based Therapy (MBT) -Family

MBT-F helps families communicate better by using mentalizing ideas, reducing misunderstandings, and preventing stress and controlling behaviours. MBT-F combines psychodynamic principles, systemic theory, CBT practices, and a social ecological framework to understand and work with families. Click here for more information.


Mentalizing-Based Therapy (MBT) -Reflective Parenting

MBT Reflective Parenting is a psycho-education intervention for parents with young children who have emotional and behavioural difficulties. Click here for more information. Click here for more information.


Circle of Security-Parenting™

Rose is trained in the attachment-based intervention Circle of Security-Parenting™. This method aims to enhance secure parent-child relationships by supporting parents to understand, and try to make sense of, what their child is really trying to communicate. Click here for more information.


Infant Massage

She is also a Certified Baby Massage Instructor with the International Association of Infant Massage (IAIM) and can offer this with individual families or in groups. Click here for more information.